Sunday, July 25, 2010

hate that i love you ××

lately, i've had this massive life change thingy. like, EPIPHANY! BING!i was just sitting there in my squishy turny chair after being raged at, and looking at the window, watching how the droplets hit the window and taking in the shapes of the cloud (pretty much just blanking out) and then BAM! i realised what i had to do.
i look at everything differently now, i used to see everything upside down, now it's all right side up 8) i've grown a new appreciation for people, thankyou people for being there for me when i was down ^^ i've only just realised how much you guys have done for me, LOL  yes -a bit slow- but THANK YOU (: 
thank you for being there for me.
thank you for being good to me.
thank you for listening to me rant and then just sitting there in silence with me.
thank you for sharing your love with me.
thank you for looking out for me.

wow, i think i've written thank you so much, it looks weird now o.o it looks like....SPANK YOU (;
umm well on a more, not so deep thought? 
i've been asked if i wanted to train for a tournament, like i'd be personally trained to fight and use techniques and blah! WHAT. AN. HONOUR! ^^ but honestly, i think i'm too unco for a fight. i'd hurt myself before my opponent can hurt me =/ shall i consider? it means being hardcore and the possibility of getting injured.
to fight? or not to fight? that is the question.

too much of anything can make you sick,
even the good can be a curse.
makes it hard to know which road to go down,
knowing too much can get you hurt.
quitting's out of the question,
when it gets tough gotta fight some more.

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